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Daimler Fleetboard Enterprise Application
Working on an Electric Fleet Management Domain

Daimler TSS Project
Cooperating Daimler AG - ITC/CF FleetBoard Store Plattform 

Status 2020, Project Team: Daimler TSS - Connected Cars

Fleerboard →

Fleetboard is a connectivity service for the eActros Gen 2 and concerns itself with the charge management. The focus is on the users, to make the most out of their day-to-day businesses and make the uptake of electrical commercial vehicles happen. The services are at the heart of sustainable mobility solutions. The Application itself supports the scheduler within the fleet management.
— Fleetboard Vision

The UX Design worked on the „Charge Management“ MVP for the new eActrosGen 2 fleets. Main activities were research, analysis, and the conception of the charge management side structure. Furthermore, the UX is responsible for the UI Design.

The project itself owns a design system that is continually developed by all domain designers. Design and dev guild helps to coordinate all design and develop requirements for all fleetboard domains.